Data sources
- Get process data from various sources such as OPC servers,
databases and VBScript equations.
- Work as OPC DA client to read and write to OPC server data sources.
- Exchange data with MS SQL database, Stored Procedure, MS Access
file, and ODBC.
- Define calculation value and access to files using VBScript language.
Special Features
- Work as OPC server to provide data to other systems.
- Web based authorization management.
- Historical database for logging data.
- Alarm management.
- Image display from IP camera.
- LINE notification
Graphic Display
- Rich Internet Application (RIA) using Microsoft Silverlight technology
- Real-time visualize information.
- Online edit for graphic layout
- Exchange data with web server using web services
- Included standard graphic library, eg. Text Edit, Label, Gauge, Level,
Lamp, Button etc.
- Support video clips and true color images
- Support real-time charts and trends
- Included alarm management and historian data logger- Support Thai and English languages